Promotional Materials
Below are the materials needed to promote a workshop or lecture given by Linda Russell. The success of a speaking engagement is directly related to the amount of promotion and advance publicity done.
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Posters. Posters should be placed one month in advance of the event both in the area (building) where the lecture is to be given and surrounding businesses and organizations.
Radio Announcements. Radio Announcements can be used as Public Service Announcements (PSO) or as paid commercials. They should be played the two weeks prior to the event.
Power Point Slide. The Power Point Slide can be inserted in with your other power point announcements at prior events.
Pulpit Announcements and Bulletin Inserts. Pulpit Announcements and Bulletin Inserts should be placed both weeks prior to the event. Use the appropriate sized bulletin announcement.
News Releases. News Released work best when accompanied with a picture.
Neighboring Organizations. Promoting your event with neighboring organizations like other churches works best if you have a ready-made announcement. Have the neighboring organizations promote your event at least two weeks in advance.
Right click on the various materials, save them to your computer and then modify or add you specific information as needed.